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The Four Circles: An Integrated Approach to Behavior-Based Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, 18p

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Transfer of Innovative Policies Between Cities to Promote Sustainability: Case Study Evidence

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2163, pp 89-96

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Improving Data Quality, Accuracy, and Response in On-Board Surveys: Application of Innovative Technologies

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2183, pp 41-48

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Renewable Energy Use Advantages of Maglev-Based Personal Rapid Transit

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2146, pp 69-75

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Management of Safety Issues in Inland Navigation Case Study: Danube Network

Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, 16p

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When Technology Tells Novice Drivers How to Drive

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2182, pp 8-15

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Emergency Response Technology and Integrated Active Transportation System: State of the Art and Vision for the Future

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2189, pp 26-36

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Alternative Lighting Evaluations in Municipality of Anchorage

Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting

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Validation and Implementation of Ontario, Canada, Network-Level Distress Guidelines and Condition Rating

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2153, pp 49-57

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Environmental Efficiency Model Based on Data Envelopment Analysis and Its Application to Environmentally Sustainable Transport Policies

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2163, pp 112-123

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Enhancing the Capability of Bridge Construction Using the WRITE System

Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, 15p

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Transportation Protection and Recovery in an Age of Disasters

Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, 10p

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Detection of Radioactivity in Transit Stations - Phase 2

TRANSIT-IDEA Program Project Final Report, 21p

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Low Cost Steel Bridge Pile Inspection Technology

High-Speed Rail IDEA Program Project Final Report, 31p

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Smart Sensor for Autonomous Noise Monitoring (SSAM)

NCHRP-IDEA Program Project Final Report, 32p

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A Track Sensor for Predicting Train Arrival Time

High-Speed Rail IDEA Program Project Final Report, 18p

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