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Predicting Bike Availability in Bikesharing Systems Using Dynamic Linear Models

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 18p

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Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2662, 188p

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Real-Time Riders: A First Look at User Interaction Data from the Back End of a Transit and Shared Mobility Smartphone App

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2658, pp 56-63

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Developing Countries

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2634, 117p

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A Spatial Demand Model for Free-Floating Car Sharing Incorporating Accessibility

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 23p

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Large-Scale Application of a Combined Destination and Mode Choice Model Estimated with Mixed Stated and Revealed Preference Data

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2669, pp 31–40

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Longitudinal Analysis of Bikesharing Usage in Montreal, Canada

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 13p

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Modelling User Adaptation to a Campus Bicycle Share System

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 19p

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Big Blue Comes to Jersey City: An Analysis of Citi Bike Expansion into New Jersey

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 13p

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New Mobility Services and Vehicle Electrification

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 18p

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A Fleet Sizing Algorithm for Autonomous Car Sharing

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 15p

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Integrating Shared-Vehicle Mobility-on-Demand Systems with Public Transit

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 16p

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Parking Spaces in the Age of Shared Autonomous Vehicles: How Much Parking Will We Need and Where?

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2651, pp 80–91

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Public Transportation, Volume 4: Paratransit, Accessibility, Mobility, and the Sharing Economy

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2650, 178p

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A Behavioral Choice Model of the Use of Car-Sharing and Ride-Sourcing Services

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 18p

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Modeling Individual Preferences for Ownership and Sharing of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2665, pp 1–10

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