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A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Traffic Operational Analysis

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 20p

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Resurrecting the Lost Vehicle Trajectories of Treiterer and Myers with New Insights into a Controversial Hysteresis

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2672, Issue 20, pp 25-38

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Crash Histories, Safety Perceptions, and Attitudes Among Virginia Bicyclists

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 15p

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Analysis and Prediction of Travel Demand by Using Mobile Application Data

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 7p

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Joint Modeling of Traffic Incident Duration Components (Reporting, Response, and Clearance Time): A Copula-Based Approach

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2672, Issue 30, pp 76-89

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Is There a Limit to Adoption of Dynamic Ridesharing Systems? Evidence from Analysis of Uber Demand Data from New York City

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2672, Issue 42, pp 127-136

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Optimized Data Processing Algorithms for a Mobile Retroreflectivity Unit

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 15p

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Development of Technologies to Reduce Tack Coat Tracking

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 8p

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Real-Time Level-of-Service Maps Generation from CCTV Videos

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 11p

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A Car-Following Data Collecting Method Based on Binocular Stereo View

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 6p

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Reconstructing Vehicle Trajectories to Support Travel Time Estimation

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2672, Issue 42, pp 148-158

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Who Are We Missing When We Move Travel Surveys Online – Assessments from Vermont

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 21p

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Predicting Incident Duration Using Random Forests

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 8p

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Data-Driven Mesoscopic Simulation Models of Large-Scale Surface Transit Networks

Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 8p

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