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Clustering Surrogate Safety Indicators to Understand Collision Processes

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 18p

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Development of a Kinematic-based Forward Collision Warning Algorithm

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 22p

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Modeling Parking Search on a Network by Using Stochastic Shortest Paths with History Dependence

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2467, pp 73–79

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Pavement Raveling Detection and Measurement from Synchronized Intensity and Range Images

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2457, pp 3–11

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Congestion Prediction Using Adaptive Boosting Machine Learning Classifiers

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 14p

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Data-Driven Particle Filter for Multi-step Look-Ahead Travel Time Prediction

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 16p

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Calibration of Rail Transit Assignment Model with Automated Fare Collection Data and a Parallel Genetic Algorithm

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2442, pp 20–28

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Real-Time Queue-End Detection on Freeways with Floating Car Data: Practice-Ready Algorithm

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2470, pp 46–56

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Optimal Road Pricing for Both Traffic Efficiency and Safety

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 15p

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Applying Graph Theory to Automatic Vehicle Tracking by Remote Sensing

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 12p

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Sample-Based Algorithm to Determine Minimum Robust Cost Path with Correlated Link Travel Times

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2467, pp 110–119

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Agent-Based Simulation of Ecospeed-Controlled Vehicles at Signalized Intersections

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2427, pp 1–12

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Algorithm of Vehicle Speed Detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Videos

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 17p

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Overview of Algorithms for Freeway On-ramp Merging Using Intelligent Vehicles

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 15p

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Shock Wave Approach for Estimating Queue Length at Signalized Intersections by Fusing Data from Point and Mobile Sensors

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2422, pp 79–87

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Network Capacity on Signalized Road Network with Reversible Lanes

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 21p

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