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Prediction of Turbulence Induced Noise within Product Development Processes

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 611-619

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The Impact of A-Weighting Sound Pressure Level Measurements during the Evaluation of Noise Exposure

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 702-708

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Measurement Tools for Studying Fan Noise

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 593-601

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Monitoring and Analysis of Influence of Different Kinds of Sound on Physio Psychological Response of Humans

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 676-683

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Measurements of Acoustic Properties of Porous and Granular Materials and Application to Vibration Control

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 641-650

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Noise Test Codes Used in the Air Compressor Industry

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 583-592

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Improvements to the Two-Thickness Method for Deriving Acoustic Properties of Materials

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 632-640

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LRT Vibration Control Using Shredded Tires

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 574-582

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Speech Transmission Index- Public Address (STIPA): Objective Assessment of Intelligibility

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 694-701

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Directional Detection and Localization of a Bolt Click Sound in Jungle- and Pink-Noise

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 684-693

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Implementing PWM Fan Speed Control to Decrease Energy Consumption, Reduce Acoustics, and Increase Fan Performance

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 627-631

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Acoustic Characterization of Historic Cloisters in Portugal

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 709-719

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Continuing Long-Term Evaluation of Open Grade Asphalt for the Reduction of Traffic Noise

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 436-447

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Exchanging Noise Management Information with Community Groups Using Interactive, Multimedia Technologies

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 417-421

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Influence of PCC Surface Texture and Joint Slap on Tire/Pavement Noise Generation

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 251-262

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Noise Control of Power Tools Used In the Construction Industry – NIOSH/Universities Partnership Case Studies

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 313-317

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Functional (Unit) Sound Absorbing Panels Reduce Noise Levels in Waste Water Treatment Facility

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 37-40

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Numerical and Experimental Validation of Hybrid FE-SEA Method

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 380-388

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Time-Frequency Analysis of High-Intensity, Fast Transient Noise from Power Tools by Analytic Wavelet Transform

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 306-312

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Near Field Tire Noise Measurements of Similar Pavements of Different Ages

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 448-455

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Variance of Energy & Confidence Intervals in SEA: Numerical and Experimental Validation

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 324-332

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Modeling of Construction Noise Using Neural Networks

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 318-323

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Saint Johns Bluff Road Pile Driver Acoustical Blanket Noise Reduction Analysis; Jacksonville, Florida

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 300-305

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By Air by SEA

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 367-379

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Acoustical Variability of Existing Pavements

Noise-Con 04. The 2004 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, pp 275-285

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