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Is Calibration a Straight-Forward Task if Detailed Trajectory Data is Available?

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 10p

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Decision Support Framework for Transit-Oriented Development Projects

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2671, pp 51–58

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Influence of the Built Environment on Health Through Travel Behavior

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 15p

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Operational and Demand Control Strategies for Overcrowding at Metro Stations

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 16p

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Understanding Pedestrian Needs at Light Rail Transit Grade Crossings

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 19p

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Is It Too Crowded in Here? In Search of Safety Standards for Pedestrian Congestion in Rail Stations

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2648, pp 126–133

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Influencing Longitudinal Passenger Distribution on Railway Platforms to Shorten and Regularize Train Dwell Times

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2648, pp 117–125

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The Politics of Sustainable Transport in Vienna

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 33p

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Safety Analysis of At-Grade Railway Crossings in Hungary

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 16p

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Friction and Surface Texture Evaluation of Green-Colored Bike Lanes

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 18p

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Investigation of the Effect of Super Sharrows on Cyclist and Vehicle Behavior

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2659, pp 224–232

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Estimating Pedestrian Exposure for Small Urban and Rural Areas

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2661, pp 84–94

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Estimating Bicycle Trip Volume for Miami-Dade County from Strava Tracking Data

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 17p

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Introducing the Pedestrian Accessibility Tool: Walkability Analysis for a Geographic Information System

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2661, pp 51–61

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Changing the Future? Development and Application of Pedestrian Safety Performance Functions to Prioritize Locations in Seattle, Washington

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2659, pp 212–223

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x Pedestrians and Bicyclists


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