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What Is the Role of Mothers in Transit-Oriented Development? The Case of Osaka–Kyoto–Kobe, Japan

Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 46, pp 163-178

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How Does Fear of Sexual Harassment on Transit Affect Women’s Use of Transit?

Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 46, pp 85-94

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Changing Travel Patterns of Women in the Netherlands

Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 46, pp 179-190

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Effects of Gender on Commuter Behavior Changes in the Context of a Major Freeway Reconstruction

Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 46, pp 143-153

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A Commitment to Continue? Comparing Women and Men Commuters Who Choose Transit over Driving Alone

Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 46, pp 154-162

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Travel Time and Distance Regarding Gender Patterns in the Paris Region: Past Trends and Forecasts to 2030

Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 46, pp 191-202

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What Do Existing Household Surveys Tell Us About Gender and Transportation in Developing Countries?

Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 46, pp 213-224

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Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here: Understanding the Problem of “Eve Teasing” in Chennai, India

Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 46, pp 74-84

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Youth Transport, Mobility, and Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Gendered Journey to School

Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 46, pp 105-116

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Analysis of House Prices to Assess Economic Impacts of New Public Transport Infrastructure: Madrid Metro Line 12

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2245, pp 131-139

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Saving Developing Mega-Cities by Rail to Relieve Road Congestion and Climate Change

Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting, 13p

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Agglomeration Benefits and Transportation Projects: Review of Theory, Measurement, and Application

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2221, pp 104-111

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What Makes a “Complete Street” Complete? A Robust Definition, Given Context and Public Input

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2245, pp 103-110

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Beyond the Inner City: New Form of Spatial Mismatch

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2242, pp 98-105

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